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President:  Vacancy


WEGA annual subscriptions

Due 1 October 2024
Full Members:           £10
Student members:       £2
Please pay by Standing Order

An admission rate will be charged for lectures in 2024/25
Members:           Free 
Non members:    £2
Students:             £1

PhD Student Talks
1st of April at G25 Earth Science Dept. Wills Bldg
followed by Wine & Cheese

Our Aims:

To promote a wider interest in the science of geology through organised lectures, field excursions and social activities.

To provide a link between the amateur, the student, the teacher and the professional geologist.

To foster interest in geological sites within the area with a view to their study and wise conservation.

To establish and maintain good relations with organisations that have common interests.

Field Trips: WEGA, the Bath Geological Society, and the Geology section of the Bristol Naturalists group have a reciprocal arrangement whereby members from each of the groups are able to attend trips organised by any of the other groups. Typically there are local day excursions, a weekend trip somewhere in the UK, and when possible a longer trip in more exotic localities.

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